How To Learn Anything Faster

How To Learn Anything Faster
How To Learn Anything Faster

1. Work Out

Lifting weights and a host of physical benefits of cardio (see: almost everything on this site), but it shows that exercise can also improve learning and aerobic and resistance through the spatial molecular mechanisms of memory Exercise improves spatial memory by exercise Casillas, R.C., Lee, K. S., and others. Psychology and Exercise Research Center, CEPE, São Paulo, Brazil Neuroscience, 2012 January 27; 202: 309-17 .. If there is a problem with your thoughts, try to take a quick move or go to the gym. One study found that after 15 minutes of exercise sessions, memory and cognitive processing improved (ability to think clearly), the exercise has immediate benefits for effects and perceptions in small and large adults. Hogan, C. L., Mata, J. Et al. Department of Psychology, Stanford University, Stanford, CA, USA Psychology and Aging, June 2013; 28 (2): 587-94.

2. Meditate

Due to not regularly being able to manage your ON regularly due to stress, it also improves memory, impulse control, and meditation duration.

3. Drink polyunsaturated fatty acids

PUFAs (especially the omega-3 fatty acids) to help control the increase are important for brain function and cystic cognitive learning of the brain and memory centers of polyunsaturated fatty acids. Yehuda, S. Department of Psychology, Bar Ilan University, Ramat Gan, Israel. Medical hypothesis, October 2012; 79 (4): 456-61. Collaborative effects of diet and exercise on cognitive growth Gomez-Pinilla, F. Department of Integrative Biology and Physiology, University of California, Los Angeles, CA USA Nutrition and Health, 2011; 20 (3-4): 165-9. Salmon is a famous dreadful source of omega-3s, but other fish, such as herring and mackerel, have an equal amount. Meat-free sources of PUFAs include walnuts, peanuts, and seeds of cheese and pumpkin.

4. Sleep

When crunch occurs, people often abandon their Zzs in favor of more time for work or study. But the extra work, he does not deserve the eyes of the morning every night to get enough sleep function of the brain, good judgment is absolutely critical to the response time, and even the use of continuous sleep grammar Promotes the extraction of grammatical rules. Niven has, I.L., Folia, V., et al. Public Library of Science One, June 5, 2013; 8 (6): e65046. Psychomotor display of medical students: The impact of the 24-hour shortage of sleep Dixit, A., Thawani, R. Et al. Department of Physiology, University College of Medical Sciences, Delhi, India. Indian Journal of Psychological Medicine, April 2012; 34 (2): 129-32. The impact of the lack of sleep time on the choice of college student-athletes and the time of anaerobic power. Taheri, M. And Arambamari, E. Imam Khomeini International University, Qazvin, Iran. Asian Journal of Sports Medicine, March 2012; 3 (1): 15-20. The mind of a sensible sleeper will learn very fast, justifies one night early "lost" hours.
How To Learn Anything Faster
How To Learn Anything Faster

5. Drink water

This tip can be no brainer (according to purpose), but dehydration is more comprehensive than you think - if you are thirsty, then it is already too late. Reaction time, actionability and overall mental processing are improved with hydration, so invest in a BPA-free water bottle and carry it everywhere. Also remember that many common foods, especially fruits, are surprisingly good sources of water.

6. Practice Yoga

An easy way to increase your brain's gray matter is Yoga. The yogi also reports errors in cognitive failures, that is, perception, memory and motor function.

7. Up a Hobby

It is important to spend some time each day on activities other than work or study. Not only does the brain require time to take stock of all the learning made by him, but by taking unrelated hobbies you can be smarter. Try to do something that requires a lot of concentration and hand-eye coordination: In one study, such people who took the jugglery classes increased their gray matter (although once it disappeared). This is another reason that never stops learning new things.

8. Set up an agenda

Success is often linked to the ability to implement the structure in someone's life, so to set goals and to create a realistic study program is a good idea. By "realistic", we do not mean to assign more than one hour to that 5,000 word report - it is also important to set time to recover between intense work, regardless of new software learning Or how to drive a stick Determination in the time of rest for the brain is called "vacancy effect", and it is known to improve long term memory.

9. Laugh

Allotting time to rest is important to avoid burnout, but it is also good to do it with people who make you gigantic. The simple act of laughter has been shown to solve the problem and help in creativity. funny right?

10. Check your motivation

Ask the question, "Why am I learning this?" People learn better if the information seems useful to them, and especially if they believe that it can have an impact on their community. Choose a course, hobby, or career (gulp) that is important to you and excites you.

Learning to learn - How to practice and study correctly
Now when you are ready to pay attention to learning new skills or information, try to be conscious of the following tips.

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